- James and Sarah bicycle around the world.

Bangkok, Thailand: June 2007 - July 2007

Average Daily Costs*
Lodging $19.15
Food $25.94
Miscellaneous $4.95
Other Costs**
Transportation $317.50
Gear $242.38
Fees, Fines, and Tolls $41.17
Entertainment $26.20
Health $93.28

Total Bangkok Cost $1821.39

Avg. Exchange Rate $US to Thai Baht 33.5439

After Sarah broke her arm in Laos, we had to quickly get back to Bangkok to get some medical attention. We traveled via private minivan and train, hence the $317.50 we spent on transportation. Once in Bangkok, we stayed in a guesthouse near the hospital and spent our days resting and waiting for her arm to heal. Bangkok restaurants are expensive, so we ate in the great food courts in the malls a lot to keep costs down. Our gear expenses are also high because I shattered my glasses in the accident that broke Sarah's arm and we had to replace them. Luckily, the medical expenses in Bangkok for Sarah's broken arm were cheap, only $93.28 for a splint, several x-rays and doctor visits.

*We classify food, lodging, and miscellaneous costs as daily costs. Food and Lodging are pretty obvious. The only thing to mention is that beer is included in the Food category. Miscellaneous costs include toiletries, internet cafes, stamps and postage, haircuts, laundry, gasoline, phone calls, and any other small costs we need to keep us going on a daily basis.

**We categorize our non-daily costs into the following categories. Gear is the maintenance of our existing gear as well as new purchases. Maps and guidebooks are also included in this category. Fees, Fines, and Tolls includes visas, banking fees, and any other official fees we are required to pay. Entertainment is used for park and museum entry fees, guided tours, movies, books, and any other activities we do which require payment. The Transportation category includes bus, train, taxi, subway, and ferry rides including any fees we have to pay for the bicycles. Health includes trips to the doctor and medications as well as any immunizations boosters we need.

© Copyright 2006-2008 James & Sarah Welle.
    Want to send us money? Contact us at jamesandsarah at erck dot org.